Saturday, September 27, 2008

My 5th compo( A dog chase)

A dog chase

“What a bad day I had!” I fumed with anger. “Firstly, My friends laugh and me for wearing the wrong pants for PE lesson. Secondly, I got a bad result for my practice paper and then I fall into a drain!” I yelled and I picked up a big and long stick on the ground, swinging around Soon, I saw a cute dog walking. I anger on it and picked up a stone and threw at the dog. “Hahaha, look at you!” I laughed. Later, I saw a bigger version of the dog. The eyes were red and yellowish. Without doing anything, it rushed towards me; I froze for a few seconds. Millions of thoughts went through my mind. Is he going to eat me? I turned around and started running as fast as I could. I ran for streets and streets trying to shake it off.

I turned my head rapidly, taking a glance at the dog. “Help! Help!” I screamed, but I heard no response. My chest heaved and panted for breath as I struggled to widen the gap between the dog and I. Although my legs felt like lead, I forced them to carry me forward. I ran into a car park. I wheeled around, trying to shake the dog off. I sat at a corner, grasping for breath. “Finally I shake it off.” I thought but I heard breathing of the dog. I forced myself to stand and I ran. The dog jump and bit my leg. I shook my leg and I dragged my left leg and screamed for help. The dog stood up and bit my leg again. I could not bare the pain and fell onto the ground and the last thing I heard was someone shouting and I became unconscious.

Is this heaven? Why it was so white here? “Son, can you hear me?” I heard a voice. I open my eyes and I saw my mother and my neighbor, John. “Our neighbor brought you here.” My mother told me. I looked at my leg. “Mother, why was my leg bandage?” but my mother remain silence. “Is it broken!?” I gasped. “No.. but its.. its .. Fractured, if you wanted to continue to walk you will need a cast for about a few months before you can walk properly.” My mother told me. I was a loss for words. From that day onwards, I had a phobia of bulldogs or bigger dogs and I leant not to put my anger on something.

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