Sunday, June 28, 2009

News Article 4

"Iraq's main motorcycle market was hit by a bombing that killed 13 people and wounded dozens..."

My Opinions: More and more bombing happened in Iraq. I think the bombers should think

of what they are doing and stop their actions. Many could have died because the bombing and

they do that as they want to terrorise the government. I think it is a very selfish act as they did

not consider who did they killed to get the government's attention. I think they could do

something else that could get the government's attention and yet does not harm anyone

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Newspaper Article 3

"British authorities have confirmed the first swine flu death outside the Americas, marking a new stage in the spread of the virus which has infected almost 30,000 people worldwide.

Three days after the World Health Organisation declared a global pandemic, the government in Scotland said an infected patient who also had "underlying health conditions" had died in hospital"

In my opinions: H1N1 is becoming more and more dangerous and its spreading wordwide. I

think the World Health Organisation should hurry and find the cure for the H1N1 virus or more

people will suffer. We will be affected as the virus could also spread very quickly country by

country which means that Singapore could be the next 'victim'. We should put on our guards and

if caught a cold, we must visit the doctor immediately to find out the problem.

Newspaper Article 2

"The Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis said that it has a swine flu vaccine ready for trial as governments stepped up precautions to counter the new declared influenza pandemic."

In my opinion : I think swine flu is a very dangerous as thousands of people could have died

overnight because of this disease. Now, the swine flu vaccine was ready for trial and if it

successed, a lot of people could have been saved. it will greatly affect us as we could be swine flu

free and lots of us could travel overseas. Many people had planned to go overseas but because of

the swine flu, they had to cancel the plan as they or their children do not wish to get the disease.

But now due to the swine flu vaccine, we could go overseas again. The only problem, is that if it

was unsucessful, it will give us lots of false hope.